

CREAMY SCOURING SCRUB Our second go-to cleaner is a creamy scouring scrub that you can use on sinks, tubs, tiles, hard to scrub dishes and even your oven. All you need are three simple ingredients and away you go! We used Orange essential oil for this recipe because of its natural disinfectant properties and because it smells so fresh and energizing. Baking soda is another key component to this recipe because it neutralizes any lurking odours and has a mildly abrasive texture that is awesome for removing stubborn grime. But you could use teatree or lemon or grapefruit essential oil as well. Supplies: 1 Cup of Baking Soda 5 tbsp of Liquid Castile Soap 10 drops of Orange essential oil (Lavender, Tea Tree and Peppermint essential oils are also great options) 300 ml PET Plastic Jar Directions: In your jar, mix the ingredients together until they form a creamy paste. Apply the mixture to your surface and use a scouring pad or brush to scrub. If necessary, let the mixture sit on the surface for 15-20 minutes so it can work its magic before scrubbing away. Finish with using a damp cloth to wipe away any paste.

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