Free Guide to Reiki

If you're wondering what Reiki is, how it works, what results people experience from it, and even how to become a Reiki Master yourself, this guide is for you!

A New Beginning

Becoming a Reiki master is a transformative journey that enhances personal well-being while enabling you to serve others deeply. As you advance in Reiki, you tap into the universal life force energy, finding inner peace and balance. But it's not just about self-improvement; you become a healing conduit for others, offering relaxation and emotional support. Being a Reiki master means holding the key to wellness and spreading love through healing energy. 

People think you have to have an actual gift to be a healer or energy worker, but you don’t! YOU are the gift. You just need to be open to possibilities and ready to learn. 

What are the different kinds of energy work?

This is not an exhaustive list.



Oracle Cards

Access Bars


EFT Tapping


Sound Healing

Essential Oils




Reiki Level 1 = Heal Yourself

At this level, individuals learn to connect with and channel Reiki energy for their personal healing and self-care. They acquire essential techniques for treating themselves, reducing stress, and fostering inner balance. Level 1 focuses on self-discovery and developing a strong bond with Reiki energy, creating a solid foundation for personal wellness. 

Reiki Level 2 = Heal Others

Level 2 practitioners can send healing energy across time and space to friends, family, and clients. Additionally, they gain a deeper understanding of the emotional and mental aspects of healing, making it possible to address emotional issues and provide holistic support to others. 

I can help you advance through these levels whether you are interested in your own wellness or to help others.

Getting Certified as a Reiki Master

You can finish level 1 & 2 in a weekend and you can become a Reiki Master in just 6 months! The total investment is $1,500 Canadian Dollars.

Step 1: Complete Level One

Attend an eight hour training that will be completed in just one day.


Step 2: Complete Level Two

Attend an eight hour training that will be completed in just one day.


Step 3: Complete Reiki Master

2 Eight hour trainings, 6 months of practice, Host 1 Reiki Share event


Step 4: You are Certified!

You will be given a certificate and you can start practicing Reiki for your own business!


"Everything is ENERGY. Your thought begins it, your emotion amplifies it, and your action increases its momentum."

- The Enchanted Seed -

Getting Started with Reiki: The Guide

"Getting Started with Reiki" is your comprehensive guide to the world of Reiki healing, suitable for beginners and experienced practitioners alike.

It covers Reiki fundamentals, including its history and principles. The guide walks you through Level 1, focusing on self-healing and energy connection, and then seamlessly transitions to Level 2, enabling you to extend healing to others. 

It touches on several of the different energy work approaches so you can develop a well-rounded approach to healing. 

It also addresses ethics and practitioner responsibilities, emphasizing compassion and respect. This guide is your key to exploring the transformative benefits of Reiki, making it a valuable resource for your journey.